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Kamis, 13 Juni 2013


Hi Guys, back again with me. Now, i would like to discuss the topic about the conflict between Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd vs Apple Incorporation. This topic come up to analyze what was happened, what's causing this problem and all things related with these both big enterprises feud. 

The conflicts between Samsung Incorporation and Apple Incorporation was began regarding with the design of the smartphones and tablets computer. Apple sued its component supplier Samsung, alleging in a 38-page federal complaint on April 15 2011 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California that several of Samsung's Android phones and tablets, including the Nexus S, Epic 4G, Galaxy S 4G, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab, infringed on Apple's intellectual property: its patents, trademarks, user interface and style. Apple's complaint included specific federal claims for patient infringement, false designation of origin, unfair competition, and trademark infringement, as well as state-level claims for unfair competition, common law trademark infringement, and unjust enrichment.

Apple's evidence submitted to the court side-by-side image comparisons of iPhone 3GS and i9000 Galaxy S to illustrate the alleged similarities in packaging and icons for apps. However, the images were later found to have been tampered with in order to make the dimensions and features of the two different products seem more similar, and counsel for Samsung accused Apple of submitting misleading evidence to the court.

Samsung counter-sued Apple on April 22 2011 filing federal complaints in courts in Seoul, Tokyo and Mannheim, Germany, alleging Apple infringed Samsung's patents for mobile-communications technologies. By summer, Samsung also filed suits against Apple in the British High Court of Justice, in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, and with the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) in Washington D.C., all in June 2011.

This problem began when Apple claims that Samsung deliberately copied the design of the iPhone and iPad includes the product packaging in Galaxy smartphone and Galaxy Tab tablet. Apple is preparing a list of Samsung violated patents and a graphic presentation showing the changes in the design of the Samsung mobile phone before and after the presence of the iPhone. Instead, Samsung has denied all claims saying that Apple and consumer electronics industries routinely week inspiration from the products in the past. Samsung preparing a presentation graphics themselves against accusations of Apple and indicates that the company had made a mock-up mobile phone with full touch interface before iPhone entered the market. To strike back, Samsung says that Apple violated a number of patents related to his use of technology in mobile phones.

This was occurred no other because of money reason and the banned also related to the product that violated the patents. Apple asked the compensation for about USD 2,52 billion. Samsung claimed the royalty payment in the amount of 2,4 percents from selling value from each Apple's sold devices.

In August 2011, Apple and Samsung were litigating 19 ongoing cases in nine countries worldwide and by October, the legal disputes expanded to ten countries. By July 2012, the two companies were still embroiled in more than 50 lawsuits around the globe, with billions of dollars in damages claimed between them. While Apple won a ruling in its favor in the U.S., Samsung won rulings in South Korea, Japan and the UK. On June 4 2013, Samsung won a limited ban for the U.S. International Trade Commissions on sales certain Apple products such as iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, etc. after the commissions found Apple had violated a Samsung patent.

Well, actually this conflict can be solved if these two giants want to make peace with each other and giving mutual support for both of them innovations, instead they can cooperate with each other and can be a partner to support each other and focus on their each progress for the future.

So, this is the end of my discussion related with the conflict between Apple Incorporation and Samsung Electronics, Ltd. Thanks for reading and visiting my blog. God bless You all...^^

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013


Hi Guys, back again with me. Now, i would like to continue the discussion about what i have told and posted a few days ago about the company that i like most, GOOGLE INCORPORATION. And now, i would like to describe you about the SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) from this company.

1. Open source products and services. As the company states:” Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” The same is with almost any of Google products. Let it be Google maps, calendars, drive, OS or the advices how to rank better in a search index. Google’s products can also be used with any OS or mobile device without a charge. Google openness is the key why Google is the number one in many products and services.

2. Quality and customer experience are the primary objects. Everything that Google offers is of premium quality. The products are aimed at solving customer needs and problems by providing excellent customer experience.

3. Financial situation. 
Google is one of the most profitable companies in the world with earnings nearly
$50 billion and $11 billion profits (22%). The company also holds $48 billion in cash and just $7 billion of debt. Few other companies are so strong financially to compete with Google

4. Access to the largest group of internet users worldwide. Google has an access to 79% of the world desktop search market users and 89% of the world mobile search market users. Combined, these internet users represent an extremely large market that Google can use to promote and sell its products and services.

5. Strong patents portfolio. In 2012, Google added 1,151 patents and was the 21st business worldwide in terms of number of patents. Intellectual property is the key in competing against competitors and Google with Motorola’s acquisition gained a strong advantage over its competitors.

6. Product integration. Nearly all Google products are integrated with each other forming an ecosystem that enriches customers experience and encourages using more of company’s products and services. Besides, Google products can be used on any OS or any device without a trouble or can be integrated with other companies’ applications. No other major tech organization offers the same level of integration.

7. Culture of innovation. Many unique products are offered by Google every year, with so many in development stages. According to Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Google is the 2nd most innovative business in the world. The company was also the second patent creator in the world in 2012. Google emphasizes its innovative work culture as one of its main competitive advantages.

1. Relies on one source of income. More than 90% of Google’s revenue comes from online advertising. Online advertising is expected to grow in double digits in 2013 and will grow Google’s income in the short term. But in the long run, Google may experience slow income growth or even the decline due to a few reasons. First, the market for personal computers is growing slowly and the Google experiences the overall decline in its desktop search engine market. If Google won’t push the competition back it will lose not only the market share but the main source of its income as well. Second, Google as many other firms, find it hard to monetize mobile device users, who will represent the highest growing group in online advertising. Third, online advertising growth is driven by emerging economies where an average price for an advertisement is considerably lower than in the developed economies, so the growth of online advertising will only grow the income of companies insignificantly.

2. Unprofitable products. Google has many products and services that add little value for the business and make only losses, thus decreasing firm’s profits.

3. Patent litigations. Google is often involved in litigations over the breached patents and other intellectual property. These litigations are costly and time consuming and distract the company from innovating rather than litigating.

1. Growing number of mobile internet users. Google has an opportunity to create a platform that could be used to better display ads for mobile device users and increase firm’s income.

2. Obtaining patents through acquisitions. For Google to grow and to compete successfully, it has to obtain more new patents. One way of doing that is to acquire companies that have strong patents portfolio. Google has acquired Motorola in 2012, obtaining more than 17,000 patents from the business

3. Driverless electronic cars. 
Goggle has introduced and successfully tested driverless cars in Nevada, U.S. The technology of these cars could easily be installed in any future model and would be a huge technological step. Although, Google has no intentions of manufacturing such cars itself, the company could sell licenses for car manufactures for using their technology and IP.

4. Growing into electronics industry. 
Google has already launched a few new models of notebooks, tablets and smartphones into the market but these were only introduction models. Google could strengthen its entry into electronic devices industry by introducing more products for more customer groups and cut out its market share. This would result in tighter integration of its software products and diversified income.

5. Google fiber cables. 
Google is currently testing their new fiber cables that can deliver internet content at astonishing 100 times as fast as current providers. It is wise for Google to invest in such infrastructure that virtually would have no competition and would integrate the company vertically.

1. Growing number of mobile internet users. Goggle finds it hard to monetize mobile internet users as there is less space to place ads on a mobile device and the ads costs less than usual. The growing number of mobile users means fewer searches made on the personal computers and lower income growth or even decline for Google.

2. Unprofitable products. Google has introduced many products and services but few of them earn profits for the business. Most of the services are the burden for Google and only makes losses. If Google continues to introduce new products that add little value and only make losses, the company’s profits will fall.

3. EU antitrust laws. Google is currently accused by EU of using its dominating position in internet search engine market to display its own services higher than competitors’ in search results. If proved guilty, Google would have to pay fines that would significantly lower firm’s profits.

So, this is the end of my discussion due to the Strengths Weakness Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) from Google Incorporation that became my company that i like most. 

Thank you Guys for reading and visiting my blog. God bless You all ^^....


    Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013


    Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai film "I, Robot" terkait dengan mata kuliah Human - Computer Interaction (Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer/IMK). Di film ini menceritakan sebuah peradaban dengan latar belakang tahun 2035. Di tahun itu, manusia menggunakan robot untuk membantu kehidupan mereka. Diceritakan bahwa di tahun tersebut robot-robot pembantu manusia itu akan digantikan dengan robot jenis baru yaitu NS5, dimana robot ini lebih dapat melakukan berbagai perintah manusia dengan lebih cepat dan lebih baik. Dalam film ini pun diceritakan adanya VIKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligent), dimana ini adalah sebuah komputer pusat pengendali dari semua robot-robot yang ada. 

    Dalam film ini digambarkan bahwa terdapat tiga hukum dari robot-robot tersebut yang terintegrasi dengan sistem mereka, yaitu :
    • Mereka tidak dapat melukai manusia atau melalui tidak bertindak (merespon manusia), dan melindungi manusia daripada hal-hal yang akan menyakiti mereka.
    • Mereka harus melakukan apapun yang diperintahkan oleh manusia selama perintah seperti itu tidak bertentangan dengan hukum pertama.
    • Mereka harus mempertahankan diri selama pertahanan seperti itu tidak bertentanga dengan undang-undang pertama dan kedua.
    Terkait dengan mata kuliah Human - Computer Interaction, film ini sangatlah menggambarkan interaksi manusia dengan komputer dala tingkatan yang lebih maju yang tidak hanya berupa hubungan konvensional manusia didepan komputer. Namun, sebelum melangkah lebih jauh, saya akan menjelaskan singat mengenai pengertian daripada interaksi komputer dan manusia.

    Berdasarkan asal katanya, interaksi merupakan suatu jenis tindakan atau aksi yang terjadi sewaktu dua atau lebih objek mempengaruhi atau memiliki efek satu sama lain. Sedangkan manusia merupakan makhluk hidup yang dilengkapi otak berkemampuan tinggi. Lalu, komputer sendiri adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengolah data menurut prosedur yang telah dirumuskan.

    Dengan masing-masing pengertian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer merupakan suatu jenis tindakan atau aksi yang terjadi antara makhluk hidup yaitu manusia dengan sebuah alat yang digunakan untuk mengolah data atau disebut juga komputer yang mempengaruhi atau memiliki efek satu sama lain. Namun untuk beberapa definisi lain menyataka bahwa Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer merupakan suatu disiplin ilmu yang berkaitan dengan design, implementasi dan evaluasi dari sistem komputasi  yang interaktif untuk digunakan oleh manusia dan studi tentang ruang lingkupnya. 

    Pada interaksi ini mempelajari antara suatu hubungan manusia dan mesin dalam sebuah komunikasi yang mendukung pengetahuan dari kedua-dunya antara sisi mesin dan sisi manusia. Pada sisi mesin teknik dalam grafik komputer, sistem informasi, bahasa pemrograman dan lingkungan pengembangannya. Sedangkan pada sisi manusia seperti teori komunikasi, design industri dan grafis, linguistik, ilmu-ilmu sosial, psikologi dan tujuan manusia yang relevan serta perancangan sitem dan metode lain yang sesuai. 

    Tujuan daripada IMK adalah untuk menghasilkan sebuah sistem yang bermanfaat (usable) dan aman (safe), artinya sistem tersebut dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Sistem tersebut bisa untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan keamanan (safety), utilitas (utility), ketergunaan (usability), efektifitas (efectiveness) dan efisiensinya (eficiency). Sistem yang dimaksud, konteksnya tidak hanya pada perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, tetapi juga mencakup lingkungan secara keseluruhan, baik itu lingkungan organisasi masyarakat kerja atau lingkungan keluarga. Sedangkan utilitas mengacu kepada fungsionalitas sistem atau sistem tersebut dapat meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi kerjanya. Ketergunaan (usability) dalam hal ini dimaksudkan bahwa sistem yang dibuat tersebut mudah digunakan dan mudah dipelajari baik secara individu ataupun kelompok. 

    Keterkaitan film "I, Robot" ini dengan Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer adalah dimana sistem robot yang diterapkan dimasa tersebut telah memberikan berbagai kontribusi besar dalam membantu kehidupan masyarakat di dunia. Interaksi manusia dengan sebuah komputer yang telah berjalan dengan sangat maju dari konsep yang konvensional, dimana robot-robot tersebut adalah sebuah representasi daripada sebuah sistem dari komputer itu sendiri. Interaksi manusia dengan robot-robot tersebut yang mampu mengerti apa yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia itu sendiri adalah sebuah kemajuan dunia interaksi manusia dan komputer. 

    Sebuah sistem yang mampu menciptakan kesemua lini tujuan dari dibangunnya sebuah Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer telah terlihat jelas pada robot-robot pada masa itu dan tak lupa pula yang terdapat pada VIKI sang komputer pengendali tersebut. Sebuah super komputer yang telah di program sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak memungkinkan adanya logika kemampuan yang akan rusak atau error. Kemampuan komputer tersebut yang bahkan dapat mengendalikan semua sistem yang ada dianggap sangat membahayakan karena mampu membawa manusia kedalam perbudakan robot. 

    Dari hal-hal diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi di dunia saat ini yang tidak dapat dibendung, manusia diharapkan pula untuk tetap mampu berinteraksi dengan teknologi dengan sebaik-baiknya. Melihat daripada perkembangan dan keadaan yang ada bahwa teknologi banyak membuat masyarakat menjadi malas dengan semua serba cepat dan semua informasi serta berbagai hal dapat di ketahui dengan mudah. Diharapkan manusia turut mampu mengendalikan interaksi-nya dengan teknologi-teknologi tersebut dengan bijak demi membantu kelangsungan hidup dengan sebaik-baiknya. 



    Now, i would like to discuss the company that i dislike most. The company that I would like to discuss here namely Research in Motion Limited or known as RIM. Research in Motion (RIM) is the world’s known manufacturer of BlackBerry devices. RIM has its headquarters in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and is engaged in the production of BlackBerry devices, BlackBerry wireless solution, hardware and software development tools. Generally, Blackberry products stand for information, intranet, Web browsing and associated applications, e-mail, instant messaging, voice and SMS.

    In this case, I will discuss why I chose it has become the most I dislike, views of the flagship products of this company, which is Blackberry. As we know, since the first appearance in the world in 1999 and in 2007 their debut in the competitive arena of smartphones, Blackberry become an exclusive mobile phone for executives and businessmen. Blackberry presence that has penetrated the market share, especially in Indonesia happened very quickly even to this day

    Blackberry development sales are phenomenal in Indonesia, occured because the key factor of this device which is "Blackberry Messenger" or called BBM. This application is a push mail service based application but with many advantages that such as make video calls over Wi-Fi or the mobile network on the latest smartphones (BlackBerry 10), Send and receive messages with unlimited length, Choose a personal BBM display picture and status, Real-time confirmations when messages are delivered and read, Share photos, videos and more with multiple contacts at once, Add contacts by scanning QR Codes, using NFC technology or sharing PINs, Send music files, Create and join groups where you can share and discuss lists, photos, etc, Share location, Free Call BBM contacts over Wi-Fi. Other advantages found on Blackberry devices is the email that has a high level data encryption that is different from the others because the email service on Blackberry devices is stored and processed in the central server at the RIM headquarters.

    The things mentioned above are the success factors of RIM with their key flagship product, BlackBerry. But behind it all, there are other things that which makes this company become the company that I dislike though it was gained considerable success in the world of technology. Here are the things I will review the reasons why the company is the company that I dislike.

    The company is quite slow in terms of fostering innovation on their superior device, Blackberry. It has been a few years before their flagship device the Blackberry Z10 and Q10 out, they move very slowly and less aggressive. When they put out new devices, even devices that can be said is far less than the other owned devices from the other brands. Whether because of RIM's lack of innovation, or indeed the needs of users who are not increased, BlackBerry rarely do significant innovations in every new device.

    Unlike the competitors, RIM seemed well aware that without adding a 10MP camera, or so the memory capacity of 2GB, they will remain loyal users. Blackberry consumers generally purchase the newest type of Blackberry just because of the style only. Rarely are buying a BlackBerry because the processor is more advanced, or better camera, or a new operating system. As a result, RIM considered less careful in looking at market opportunities, because the current smartphone market again showed on spirit for a "super smart features" such as Multi-tasking, Personal Assistant based smart voice command (like Siri on iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S IV, etc. ).

    The policy from this company so many are still inadequate to face and compete with other technology companies to compete with other platforms such as Android and iOS from Apple Inc. One of the policy is to simply provide the data server only in a few countries, so that the frequent of problems occurrence associated with their network as well as error service from "Blackberry Messenger" in various parts of the world as it is often occurred in Indonesia for some time anyway. Reliance on RIM's BlackBerry Messenger service is able to be seen, but it is not accompanied by adequate preparation, so often the message delivered by the service is late, especially during emergencies situation. It actually was intended to create a data level control more easily with data security is assured, but precisely because of this policy, the company was be accused from the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information because always disappointing the costumers due to their network errors.

    Furthermore, there are many things that I raised in this case related to the company that I dislike. RIM Company with its superior product that is "Blackberry" monopolize the market, especially in the policy of data packages for its devices. To be able to access the Internet on a full service on this device, customers must use packet data on the device quite expensive compared to other brands.

    The features issue offered on the "Blackberry" is still very left behind than the other brand’s products. No one can even see a very noticeable feature on all devices "Blackberry" issued by RIM even though they have launched Blackberry Z10 a few months ago. The consumers can be quite impaired due to only to get this class of device from this company even had to redeem it with a high price when the features offered still less than other brands. They also helped to attract market share for large corporations and institutions, and it really can be said to be successful in the first time. But seemed in this time, they will be left behind if it is still targeting those market share, because now as the Android platform become the world number one platform that has implemented a strategy capable of targeting all people.

    The things above are some of the reasons why I chose this company to be a company that I dislike. In fact many companies fall has been very visible from RIM when their stock price drop about 81% since the company's skyrocketing stock price reached 70 times in 2007. The company is very slow moving, so now their flagship product has decreased from 79 million users to 76 million users in the third quarter of this year. Even in Indonesia, which is the Blackberry basis sales markets in Asia also experienced a sales decline of 70% until this year. Therefore it is necessary for a large movement by RIM to overcome intense competition particularly in the field of smart devices such as mobile phones deliver a powerful device with specifications, but also able to be reached by many people. The need to build data server in the countries in each region to avoid the error of their network which would prejudice the customer.

    So this is the end of my review about the company RIM (Research in Motion), the company that I dislike. Hopefully, next this company will able to develop his innovations brilliantly and gain success as ever swum.

    Thank You so much for all readers for reading and visiting my blog. God bless You all ^^ 


    Hello Guys, now I would like to talk about the new topic. This comes up due to my college assignment subject, Organization Theory. Here, I would like to discuss about company that I like most.


    Here, I will discuss about the company that I like and are interested in. Like the proverb says that "There is no ivory that is not cracked," as there is no enterprises are always perfect and impeccable. But this time I will discuss a company that I think has a lot of role to help human life in less than a decade. The company was originally a very small company and do not even known at all, but this time the company has become one of the largest technology companies worldwide. Even, there is no one people in this globe that doesn’t know about this company.

    Name of this company is GOOGLE INCORPORATION. As their slogan "Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Larry and Sergey named the search engine they built “Google,” a play on the word “googol,” the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. Google Inc. was born in September 4th 1998, when Sun  co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote a check for $100,000 to that entity—which until then didn’t exist.

    Rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond Google's core search engine. It offers online productivity software including email, an office suite, and social networking. Desktop products include applications for web browsing, organizing and editing photos, and instant messaging. The company leads the development of the Android mobile operating system and the browser-only Google Chrome OS for a specialized type of netbook known as a Chromebook. Google has moved increasingly into communications hardware: it partners with major electronics manufacturers in production of its high-end Nexus devices and acquired Motorola Mobility in May 2012. In 2012, a fiber-optic infrastructure was installed in Kansas City to facilitate a Google Fiber broadband service. 

    The corporation has been estimated to run more than one million servers in data centers around the world and to process over one billion search requests and about twenty-four petabytes of user-generated data each day. In December 2012 Alexa listed as the most visited website in the world. Numerous Google sites in other languages figure in the top one hundred, as do several other Google-owned sites such as YouTube and Blogger.  Its market dominance has led to criticism over issues including copyright, censorship, and privacy.

    Google has developed into a very giant technology company providing advances movement in information technology. There's even a slogan which says that "The Internet is Google's" very close relationship because the Internet is always associated with Google. For the purposes of finding information on the internet, people all around the globe always visiting Google and cannot be avoided from Google. The world seems inseparable from Google to find out various information about everything in this world.

    This company become the company that I love because the company is full of innovation, advancement and growth that helped many people around the world. A variety of things that they had laid out like a web search services, Google for mobile with their flagship product that is Android, Google News, Google Translate, Blog Search, Google Alerts, Google Chrome, Image Search, Google Drive, Google Groups, Google Scholar and Google Code. These products that play a huge role helping the community in various parts of the world.

    Even this company not only focus on their developing a variety of products, but they also have a level of very high social responsibility in helping many people. The example in this case is the “Google Crisis Response”, where this service is a service that can help people in case of natural disasters and assist them in things like search for missing people, mapping the disaster area, chances donations to victims of natural disasters, etc. This is what makes this company has a level of very high social awareness anyway due to helping people with considerable impact.

    Google advances in this era can be seen most often in the field of their communication technology. Their flagship product in the mobile world that is “Android” has become the most phenomenal thing today. The platform that they have developed has brought the world into an era of improved communication on a large-scale world. Once upon a time a smartphone that can only reached by certain circles, now can be reached easily by all segments of society around the world that of course this is dependent on each of the device manufacturer. Android has really moved forward to dominate the market for smartphone operating systems worldwide because it is able to penetrate into the superficial segments of society. Hence, Google is able to achieve a huge revenue because of this huge Android development.

    According to a survey conducted by professional social networking website LinkedIn, announced that Google is the company's most in demand by job seekers on LinkedIn. Four other top companies are Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Unilever. The analysis of the results obtained from the polls by more than 175 million users of this site. This is achieved because they see that the Google opportunity to move forward is enormous. Mastery and penetrating all areas of the technology that Google has done is taken a big share that the company is very attractive to many professionals. Companies that demand a lot of people do not see just how well-known and large companies they are, but the views of the progress and development of the company itself as well as the prospect of future progress. It is owned by Google so the company is ranked first. Now even Google has started to climb up into the world's most valuable company after Apple Inc, with stock price reached a price of more than USD 300 billion (more than 3000 billion rupiahs) since the Google I / O last May that brought many reformations and innovations for society and to the developers.

    Hopefully in the future, Google will continue to be a company that is preferred by many people, not only because of its name which has been known throughout the entire universe, but due to a variety of innovations and their contributions in helping the lives of many people around the world. Being able to bring the whole community to be a "Technological Literacy" and participate in helping all citizens of the world in many ways such as education, economic, social, etc. So this is my little review about Google as a company that I like most.

    Thank You so much for all readers for reading and visiting my blog. God bless You all ^^

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